Welcome to the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Shared Research Support Services (SRSS)!
If you’re a Dietrich School faculty member, post doc, or graduate student, welcome! Our goal with this site is to provide you with an essential resource that assists you in the leading edge research you’re doing. We are a centralized, shared resource structure of 11 University laboratories, stockrooms and shops. Our professional staff supports Dietrich School faculty members and your research groups by providing access to techniques, technologies, and services that enable you to further their research with cutting edge instrumentation and scientific services. SRSS falls under the auspices of the Office of the Dean and is guided by an advisory committee consisting of the Chairs of the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology and Environmental Science, Neuroscience, and Physics and Astronomy. Most of our facilities are located in the Clapp/Langely/Crawford, Mid-Campus, and Chemistry complexes on Pitt's Oakland campus.
If you’re a prospective student or faculty member, we hope that you will come join us at Pitt! Our services and capabilities are always expanding and we strive to make the Dietrich School a place where we can partner with you to create impactful research. Our facilities and staff support Pitt's culture of inclusion and exemplify Pittsburgh's blue collar work ethic. We encourage you to learn more about the research groups we currently partner with, including those in the departments listed in the sidebar, and the important advancements they are making.

Help us grow our facilities by learning how to properly acknowledge them here.

View the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences departments that comprise SRSS.

Get to know Pete Chambers, Director of Shared Research Support Services.

Reach out to learn more about what Shared Research Support Services offers.