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Glass Shop

The school's Glass Shop is responsible for fabricating and repairing intricate pieces of glassware and apparatus, as well as constructing complete high vacuum systems.  Ryan Tate, Scientific Glassblower brings a unique set of skills to the role at Pitt. 


Acknowledgement tracking is one method used by the Office of Research to prioritize internal funding requests.  Please acknowledge work done in the Glass Shop in your publications with the following text: 

Work performed in the University of Pittsburgh Dietrich School Glass Shop Core Facility (RRID:SCR_023719) and services and instruments used in this project were graciously supported, in part, by the University of Pittsburgh.

Glass Shop Capabilities

Pitt's glass shop has the ability to create many custom pieces in both borosilicate and quartz.  The shop frequently works in collaboration with the Machine and Electonics shops to fill whatever your research need may be.   Stop by for a consultation and a tour of the glass shop on the fifth floor of Allen Hall.

SRSS laboratory equipment
The Glass Shop is responsible for fabricating and repairing intricate pieces of glassware and apparatus, as well as constructing complete high vacuum systems.  
Glass Shop worker
Our scientific glassblower can perform a myriad of repairs and modifications, from removing star cracks and chips, to adding ports and nozzles.  One of the most frequent repairs done is to the vacuum manifolds used in teh Chemistry Department to create inert conditions for reactions sensitive to air or water.