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X-Ray Crystallography Lab

The  X-Ray Diffraction Facility located in the Chemistry Instrumentation Center on the 4th floor of the Chevron Science Center is equipped with a Bruker X8 Prospector Ultra with a Copper ImuS micro-focus X-ray source and a Bruker Smart Apex CCD diffractometer (sealed-tube Mo radiation) which is controlled via Bruker Smart software.  Data can be collected at nitrogen-cooled temperatures as low as 90K. Over 2200 new structures of organic, organometallic, and inorganic compounds have been determined in our lab.

Most of our work involves samples from the Department of Chemistry, but we are engaged in several outside collaborations involving researchers from other universities and industrial companies. Our computers also host various software programs for solving, refining, and viewing crystal structures and also provide access to the Cambridge Structural Database.


Acknowledgement tracking is one method used by the Office of Research to prioritize internal funding requests.  Please acknowledge work done in the X-Ray Diffraction Facility in your publications with the following text: 

Work performed in the University of Pittsburgh X-ray Crystallography Facility (RRID:SCR_025125) and services and instruments used in this project were graciously supported, in part, by the University of Pittsburgh.

Laboratory Instruments

Instrument Type Instrument Facility
X-ray Crystallography Bruker Smart Apex CCD X-Ray Crystallography Lab
X-ray Crystallography Bruker X8 Prospector Ultra  X-Ray Crystallography Lab

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