The ESCALAB 250Xi is a fully digital state-of-the-art X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) capable of performing a large suite of surface analysis experiments. The instrument is used routinely for elemental analysis (Li-U) and for chemical state analysis, differentiating between the different functional groups that a given element is bonding to (for instance, C-C verses C=C verses C=O).
The instrument is capable of conducting a wide range of surface analysis experiments. Some of these include:
- XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- Control of X-ray spot size from 900 to 200 um with monochromatic Al Ka X-rays and 0.5 m Rowland circle monochromator
- In lens and external electron flood guns for analysis of insulators and non-conducting samples
- Ultimate energy resolution <0.45 eV
- UPS, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
- measurement of valence band structure (similar to the density of states, DOS) and the Fermi edge
- HeI and HeII (21.22 eV and 40.81 eV) excitation source
- 100 meV energy resolution
- ISS, low energy ion scattering spectroscopy
- measurement of the chemical composition of the upper atomic monolayer of the sample
- 1 keV He+ ion source
- Energy resolution 12 eV FWHM at approximately 30,000 cps/nA ion current
- REELS, reflected electron energy loss spectroscopy
- measurement of geometry, electronic and optical properties via the dielectric function, and structure of absorbed species on the sample surface
- TPD/TPRS, temperature programmed desorption/temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy
- Allows analysis of gas-solid interactions by monitoring the desorption of gas molecules as sample is heated
- Gas dosing system for carrying out in situ reactions in both the analysis and load lock chamber
- Single quadrupole mass analyzer for collection of mass spectra at pressure below 10-7 mbar
- Temperature control of samples from 77 to 1000 K in both the analysis and load lock chamber
- Reactions may be carried out from ultra-high vacuum conditions to atmospheric pressure
- Small spot XPS
- The use of magnetic immersion lens allows for selective analysis of areas smaller than the X-ray beam, down to 30 um or better
- Allows for mapping of surface features on heterogeneous samples
- XPS imaging
- 128-element multichannel plate (MCP) detector for the collection of images
- full hyperspectral data collection for each image pixel
- Spatial resolution better than 3 um
- Angle-resolved XPS (ARXPS)
- for the depth profiling of thin films (< 10 nm)
- full 5-axis motion control including 160o stage tilt
- Depth profiling by Ar+ sputtering for thicker layered samples
Surface and Thin Film Analysis
Materials Characterization Lab
311 Chevron Science Center