The VG SIMSLAB IV is a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) used for the high sensitivity analysis of surfaces and thin films. SIMS provides enhanced sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios relative to electron spectroscopy techniques such as XPS and AES while having a higher surface sensitivity, the later controlled by the energy of the primary ion beam. Typical sensitivities are ppm or better. All elements, including H and He are detectable, and, as molecular ions are generated, additional compositional information is available.
Key features of this instrument include:
- High-resolution single quadrupole mass analyzer with a range of 1-800 amu
- Better than unit mass resolution over the entire mass range, peak width less than 5% of peak height
- Flood gun for charge compensation of non-conductive or insulating samples
- Scintillation and PMT detector for scanning SIMS and ion-induced SEM imaging
- Choice of four ion guns:
- MIG100 liquid metal ion gun (Ga+), 500 nm spot size, 1-10 keV beam
- AG61 Ar+ ion gun, 50 um spot size, 0.1-5 keV beam
- DP50A duoplasmatron O2 ion gun, 5 um spot size, 2-10 keV beam
- FAB (fast atom bombardment) source
- A post-sputter ionizer is available for the ionization of sputtered neutral species (SNMS)
- The instrument may be run in either static or dynamic modes
Typical applications of the instrument include:
- High-resolution depth profiling (especially important in cases where ion bombardment of surfaces leads to atomic mixing)
- Ion imaging/microscopy
- Isotope detection
- High sensitivity detection of surface-bound species
Surface and Thin Film Analysis
Materials Characterization Lab
136 Eberly Hall