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MCL Resources

In addition to the instrumentation available in the  Petersen Institute for NanoScience and Engineering (PINSE), SRSS hosts a variety of instrumentation to support research in the nanosciences.  Most of the instrumentation can be found either in the Microscopy and Imaging Suite in Langley Hall or the Materials Characterization Lab in Chevron and Eberly, where the following nanoscale Pitt Seal was imaged on one of our atomic force microscopes (AMF).

University of Pittsburgh Facilities

Pittsburgh Area Facilities and Resources

  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) - a DOE national laboratory conducting R&D in support of domestic coal, natural gas, and petroleum production. The on-site research facilities offered by NETL are diverse and numerous, with a detailed description here.
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Molecular Analysis - this laboratory, located in the Mellon Institute building, houses the major shared research instrumentation of the CMU Department of Chemistry. Instruments available include a 500 and 300 MHz NMR, MADLI-ToF and LC-MS mass spectrometer, a circular dichroism spectrophotometer, as well as FTIR, NIR, and UV-vis spectrophotometers.

Extended Regional Resources
