Instrument: Attune Flow Cytometer


Biological Instrumentation


101 Langley Hall



The Attune NxT is an easy operating benchtop flow cytometer developed with acoustic-assisted hydrodynamic focusing technology. It features 4 laser lines (405 nm, 488nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm) and 16 detection lines (plus three swappable filters). In addition to detecting samples in a tube, the addition of the autosampler allows high-throughput sample detection in 96-well plates, 384-well plates, and deep-plates. Our Attune Flow Cytometer configuration is registered in FluoroFinder to assist you with your experiment design.


FluoroFinder Experiment Design (The direct link to our flow cytometer)    

How to use FluoroFinder:

1. Go to the FluoroFinder website

2. Click Start under Flow Cytometry Panel Design

3. Select the Institution and Facility name to access our Attune Flow Cytometer.

A brief introduction on how to use FluoroFinder.



Current Protocols in Cytometry (update every 3 months-online)

The brightness chart of fluorescent dyes in Flow Cytometry (Pair dimmer dyes with high-expression antigens and brighter dyes with low-expression antigens)