Helium References


Helium: Sources and Uses

Technical Overview of Helium Extraction & Refinement

Government Interaction in the Helium Market



[1] S. Connor, "Why the World is Running Out of Helium," The Independent, 23 August 2010.
[2] M. Peplow, "Helium Reserves Under Pressure," Chemistry World, 30 May 2013.
[3] B. Magill, "Popular Mechanics: Why Is There a Helium Shortage," 25 June 2012. [Online]. [Accessed 13 November 2015].
[4] J. Lowenstern, W. Evans, D. Bergfeld, and A. Hunt, "Prodigious degassing of a billion years of accumulated radiogenic helium at Yellowstone," Nature, vol. 506, no. 20 February 2014, pp. 335-358, 2014.
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[7] C. McDonald, "BBC News: Who, What, Why: Is the Earth getting lighter?," 31 January 2012. [Online]. [Accessed 13 November 2015].
[8] B. Magill, "Popular Mechanics: As Shortage Worsens, We Visit the Federal Helium Reserve," 12 November 2012 . [Online]. [Accessed 13 November 2015].
[9] "Helium Production and Use," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 Nov 2015].
[10] "Helium Activities," 2001. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 Nov 2015].
[11] "Helium Production Process - Exell Helium Plant," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 November 2015].
[12] "Natural gas Treatment Process - Exell Helium Plant," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 November 2015].
[13] "Helium Production Process - Amarillo Helium Plant," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 November 2015].
[14] "Crude Helium Separation Process - Exell Helium Plant," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 November 2015].
[15] "Purification Process - Excell Helium Plant," 2001. [Online]. [Accessed 15 Novemeber 2015].
[16] National Materials Advisory Board, Committee on Understanding the Impact of Selling the Helium Reserve, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, Selling the Nation's Helium Reserve, The National Academies Press, 2010.
[17] A. Cho, "U.S. Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Helium Bill," Science, 7 May 2013.
[18] A. Cho, "New U.S. Rules on Helium Sales Said to Stifle Competition," Science, 8 July 2015.